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I am a mother of two very active girls. Movement has always been a constant Go-To strategy in my life. I played team sports in the highest league, turned to excerise to experience my personal limits and during my two pregnancies to reduce stress and find ease in my body and mind. Having a healthy and resilient body and mind is essential for me.

To pursue this philosophy my job as a physical therapist is so enriching. A heart project with dedication to women in different phases of life is currently my focus.

For a strong and strong woman.


Functional Core

As a strong centre, we devote ourselves to stabilizing and strengthening the abdomen and hips/ pelvic floor muscles. Correct alignment from toe to head in all positions is the building block for returning to a safe increase in stress in everyday life and sport.


Course starts on Feb 6th, 7 Classes, Price 245 CHF

 Contact me

if you have any questions, if you are unsure, if you would like to get to know me for the first time, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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